Parent Bodies
Parent Teacher Council (MR)
Joint Parent Association (GMR)
Parent Teacher Council (MR)
MR stands for the Dutch word Medezeggenschapsraad. This translates as “Right of say Council”.
In essence the MR is a co-administration council (a mixture between a traditional Parent Teacher Association and a School Council). It is a requirement by Dutch law to have an MR in every school. The MR has an advisory role.
The MR plays an important role in the communication between parents, staff and Management by taking a critical look at proposals from the Supervisory Board. The MR can advise or, in some cases, disapprove before a decision is final. The MR is made up of parents and staff from the International Department, (the ID) and Dutch Department (the NA).
There is a vacancy for the current MR
Joint Parent Association (GMR)
School foundations like ours, which are responsible for more than one school, and have the legal obligation to set up a GMR.
This group communicates with the Board and Management team and discusses policy for all schools in our Foundation. The issues discussed deal specifically with matters that affect the whole of the organisation, such as the Budget, Annual Report, School Policies and Personnel issues.
The meetings are attended by Hans van der Vlugt, board.
For more information about the GMR members, click here
To read the GMR regulations, click here
To read the GMR statute, click here
To read the minutes of the 1st GMR meeting, click here
If you wish to join or contact the members of the Joint Parent Association, please send an email to:
Parent Committee
At the moment Ms. Junlei Shi is one of the members of the parent committee of TLS. There is still one vacancy available.
If you are interested , please contact the Head of School.