Lighthouse Special Education

Health and Safety

Introduction and Mission

The school leaders and teachers ensure that school and its surroundings are safe for all pupils and personnel. Pupils, teachers and school leaders and support staff are committed to each other in a respectful way. The teachers teach children social skills and lead by example. Work together to prevent bulling, aggressive behaviours in any form and act quickly and adequately when needed. We have made a policy about safety that prevents, records, deals with and evaluates incidents. We also carry out surveys to monitor safety in staff and children. The school has a trusted person and everyone is aware of this policy. We communicate about safety to our children, our staff and our parents. We also teach children about safety.

Safety Binder

The health, safety and welfare of all the people who work or learn at our School are of fundamental importance. We aim to provide a safe, secure and pleasant working environment for everyone. All children are insured during school hours and one hour before and after School. All Teachers are insured whilst on the School premises. Our insurance does not extend to damage of personal belongings (both staff and children).

Since creating a safe environment is paramount for both staff and families at the HSV, all documentation pertaining to safety should to be compiled  in a manner that can be easily to referenced and updated when necessary. With this in mind we have updated the Safety Policy document to a more comprehensive and adaptable Safety Binder.

This binder is organised in sections as guided by the Haagse Veiligheidskaart and is readily available – please ask your Head of School. Most of these documents are in the public domain, but others can only be found internally for reasons of security.

The binder includes:

  • Rules and Regulations (personal goals, use of mobile phones, dress code etc.)
  • Key External Contacts (SPPOH, Attendance officer, city council, local police, school doctor etc.)
  • HSV Internal Safety Contacts (trusted person, IBERs)
  • Policies and Procedures (medication at school, anti-bullying, safety in pick up and drop off, time-outs, suspension and expulsion procedure, being late etc.)
  • First Aid (First Aid facts, primary survey, recovery position, meningitis, anaphylaxis, emergency instructions for allergic reaction, accident report form, incident report form etc.)
  • Fire Plan (this is location specific)
  • Policies and Procedures (attendance; accidents; staff dress code; anti-discrimination; theft; possession of weapons; aggression, violence and sexual intimidation; banning parents; complaints; child abuse/domestic violence; vandalism; trip guidance for parents; missing children; handling medication etc.)
  • Safety Organisational Planning (risk assessment; list of trained first aiders; list of fire trained staff; cycle of safety checks for premises and equipment, such as fire alarms and gym equipment)