Lighthouse Special Education

Transitioning to Secondary School


Transitioning to Secondary International Education

There are very limited international school options in The Netherlands for students who have reached secondary school age and who have complex learning needs. Families would be advised to consider moving back to their home country before their child has turned 13 years old.

Some students may benefit from the Special Education Program at the American School of The Hague. For some students, a supported place at The British School of The Netherlands may be appropriate.



Transitioning to Secondary Dutch Education

If a move to an international secondary school is not appropriate, then the family may decide to move their child into the Dutch system. This is a process that needs to be carefully thought through and prepared, depending on the abilities and the needs of the individual child.

If you are considering staying in The Netherlands beyond your child’s thirteenth birthday, then we advise you to discuss this with us as early as possible. We can then plan with you how to introduce your child to the Dutch language and prepare them for a transfer to Dutch schooling.

The Dutch secondary education system is not an inclusive one and children are placed in a school according to assessments and their learning profile. The Dutch secondary school system prepares students well for independent living and for work opportunities, where these are possible for a student. The Lighthouse works closely with Dutch educational consultants to help find appropriate placements for its older students. We have a close working relationship with the Inspecteur de Vries school in The Hague.